Math equations

Thursday, October 24, 2013

[Conquerx2] Fleet score ranking on Oct 23.

The following is a ranking by Score - Sum of planet score.

The following three players were most productive: Oct 21 - Oct 23.

Infinity stoneblade
SuperNova Zerg
Czech Team starch

The following players have lost most...Sadly, I am one of them.
Luthor Corps Lex Luthor
Pirates Wraithbourne
Pirates PohangSteelers
-V-M- Zurrrr
If you want to know what happened to these 4 players, please see the report 1875630 or 1875633.

So, Luthor corps won the war and merged audiTT, its ally. Pirates have no power to resist now. 
This marks the end of the war in the North-Western Part of the Andromeda. 

Luthor corps could take over Pirates' planets or accept Pirates members as a new member of the empire. In any case, the next target of Luthor corps is quite clear now. 

17174 1 SuperNova Zerg 199165
-97641 2 Luthor Corps Lex Luthor 188730
18847 3 Infinity stoneblade 166807
9774 4 SuperNova Korea 155381
3717 5 Nova Solaris Isklar 104578
7936 6 -V-M- LazySiege 99770
8156 7 Nova Solaris Rokar 99018
7574 8 Asgard Coalition CHC 96261
8963 9 Czech Team SJR 93334
5111 10 Nova Solaris dihy 93286
7432 11 -V-M- Khorne 93166
8261 12 Nova Solaris Avatarxy 90568
9470 13 -V-M- Darkzone 88756
9239 14 The Sith ayam 86984
7256 15 The Sith 666rioko666 86453
7725 16 EARTH desusaizu 81347
7318 17 The Sith Andione 78912
9988 18 The Fedration DinG 78480
10964 19 Czech Team starch 78147
5534 20 Black Templar General Paykoman 72832
4662 21 -V-M- Mokka 69070
8823 22 OTHER Baldrick33 68681
7821 23 Nova Solaris Tatchster 68037
5796 24 Nova Solaris SethosI 67329
7292 25 OTHER Forces 65039
5509 26 -V-M- Lunacy 64629
6188 27 -V-M- Brax 62400
5448 28 The Sith AntiDrugar 59362
4813 29 -V-M- Tharatiel 58102
3146 30 -V-M- Traccid 56825
-5277 31 The Sith Faerie 56062
5594 32 The Sith Graven.Drake 55703
6587 33 The Enclave Zholvar 54747
3089 34 The Sith Destruxia 54360
2104 35 -V-M- Scoria 53013
2004 36 -V-M- koyote44 52964
-960 37 -V-M- Da23id 51845
7177 38 -V-M- Odin2 50799
6197 39 Nova Solaris tronik 50618
6830 40 The Sith Rajen 47388
2821 41 The Sith HeruUhr 46542
9629 42 Luthor Corps Luthor123 46338
1717 43 Asgard Coalition xqtr23 44336
4654 44 The Sith doros 44176
6338 45 OTHER Burni 43490
117 46 -V-M- paterlexx 43027
1305 47 The Sith Tyruss 42118
2144 48 OTHER fenri12 41766
3342 49 Nova Solaris Gother 40059
3987 50 The Sith bucew 39222
3343 51 Luthor Corps Sisel 37837
866 52 -V-M- TinoCasino 36858
2794 53 The Fedration kredol 36056
4393 54 Nova Solaris Botzu 35846
4538 55 The Sith shadowplay 35628
2513 56 Luthor Corps Akors 34143
1112 57 The Sith Skymasker 32961
1922 58 The Sith Arkon 31467
385 59 TerranFedration Kessler 29596
2742 60 TerranFedration Starbuck11 28617
2464 61 The Sith Durzo 28227
480 62 Nova Solaris JohnDeW 27723
1652 63 -V-M- Harkoonon 24858
2203 64 The Enclave mark_aurel 24594
2593 65 Nova Solaris nedkovich 23706
-48165 66 Pirates Wraithbourne 23558
2 67 Nova Solaris mcore 23405
308 68 The Sith dejoene 21830
1768 69 Nova Solaris Ethric 21528
716 70 Luthor Corps lordbeefy 21201
-25702 71 Pirates PohangSteelers 20333
2906 72 The Enclave redbaron1994 19925
-20493 73 -V-M- Zurrrr 19729
7722 74 OTHER alwaysMIA 19087
2351 75 OTHER tomb 18853
35 76 Asgard Coalition Endeer 17903
702 77 Nova Solaris Rager 17856
780 78 Nova Solaris Heidel 17279
691 79 The Enclave Holyghost 17171
-2091 80 -V-M- Ronald1059 17140
1561 81 The Enclave blikker 16946
539 82 The Enclave Frommsen 16661
-768 83 The Sith Yapper 16648
-3288 84 Luthor Corps sws1 16581
2969 85 OTHER Noran 16497
268 86 OTHER Bravekiller 16284
0 87 -V-M- LiMu 16254
2619 88 Nova Solaris csteffanov 16224
-478 89 -V-M- foggi 16165
2448 90 The Sith USS Federation 16028
2796 91 -V-M- Sin 15893
1801 92 The Fedration mandjah 15823
268 93 Nova Solaris Adek 15533
2343 94 Black Templar Gerdo 15089
609 95 OTHER Hawko 14857
1042 96 Czech Team Toomiq 14576
1 97 The Enclave MaruMan 14464
1117 98 Asgard Coalition borisov1ro 14426
1651 99 The Sith faclon 14233
629 100 The Enclave Kane Dark 13992

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